Tonny Mulatya Logo Image
Tonny Mulatya

Hey, My name is Tonny Mulatya

For you to be Great you must start somewhere with a little of faith.

About Me Always Grateful.

Get to know me!

Hey! It's Tonny Mulatya and I'm an Android Developer located in Nairobi, Kenya. I've done remote projects for agencies, and collaborated with talented people to create software products for both business and consumer use.

I'm a bit of a Tech Savvy. Over the years, I've used hundreds of web and mobile apps in different industries and verticals. Feel free to contact me here.


My Skills

Bash Scripting

Projects Some of the projects that I have worked on.

Software Screenshot

Project 1

A Church application designed using Android Framework and Kotlin language.

Case Study
Software Screenshot

Project 2

SpamFight - is a project that I have devoted and voluteered in trying to Discourage scammers from using links to reach users.

Case Study
Software Screenshot

Project 3

Survey Application - A simple android application that takes survey on farmers.

Case Study
Software Screenshot

Project 4

Cleaning Services Project - an android based application that connects any user (person) that is need of cleaning services to the service provider.

Case Study

Contact Feel free to reach out, by filling the form below.

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